Dear Partner,
Greetings in the Name of Jesus. Thank you for your partnership, for your fellowship, your sacrifices and your love. You are one of the reasons Freshdew is reaching millions for the Lord. These are exciting times!!
As a partner, I want to personally announce to you that our next level of growth is here!! We are conquering more ground and we are possessing more land. Glory be to God.
This is the GOOD NEWS. Right now, we are tidying up our contractual agreement to launch on Myfaithtv on the 4th of October at 21:30 hours on Wednesdays. Myfaithtv airs on the DSTV Channel 341. We will also be on Faith Terrestrial, FlowTV (Africa) and FlowTV (UK). I know this causes as much joy in your heart as it does mine as we are in this together!
Leslie, this reminds me of one of the favourite guiding prophecies that God gave as I prophesied one day in our local church. It has always been a word for the Body of Christ, the Church of Jesus Christ and thus for us on Freshdew, and I want to bring it up this month as we in the Circle of Partners, possess more land for the kingdom. Hallelujah! Reference texts for this prophecy are Jeremiah 32:6-17 and Joshua 14:8-14. This is a slightly abridged version.
Possess The Land
(A Prophetic Word To The Church of Jesus Christ)
“It is time to possess the land says the Spirit of God. Whatever the land that is set before you – it is time to possess it. There is a time for everything under the sun, a time to born and a time to die, a time to laugh and a time to cry – well this is the time to possess the land. For the land is set before you and just like My Word came to Jeremiah, so also has My Word come to you this morning. Church! Rise up and possess the land for the time is now. You have tarried long enough, you have delayed way too long, you have looked out at the sky and watched the weather to know what time it is. Well, the time is now; the time to possess the land is here. Those with the courage of Caleb will rise up and defy all odds and possess the land.”
“Some of you are saying… ‘Can you not see my limitations; can you not see the shackles I am in? Lord, how can I possess the land from this disadvantaged position?’ Jeremiah was in prison (for speaking My Word) and yet My Word came to him. Wherever you are, whatever your state, My Word can reach you right there and bring about liberation and direction. The Word of the Lord has come to you this morning. No matter the prison you are in – possess the land – is My Word to you this morning. Jeremiah could have moaned and complained and said, ‘Get me out of this prison and then I will possess the land.’ But no! I have My priorities and My order of getting things done. Those who will possess the land are those who will key into My priorities and My patterns, and My priority is to wake you up with the prophetic Word to see what is yours.”
“Don’t you see that all you need is a prophetic Word from Me and you can rest assured, and rest in that Word? Elijah was in the midst of three and a half years of famine and he got the prophetic Word and immediately he got up and acted straight upon the prophetic Word, and the abundance of rain came down. A prophetic word is a trigger to the outpouring of the supernatural in your life.”
“Elisha also gave a prophetic word when he said, ‘Tomorrow about this time a measure of flour be sold for a shekel and two measures of barley for a shekel.’ That was all it took and things began to turn around for those who believed.”
“Look how eager Jeremiah’s cousin, Hanamel, was to give him the land that was his own. That’s the effect of the prophetic Word. When you lay hold of the prophetic Word people will give up their own pleasures and possessions so that you can walk into your harvest. Hanamel did it because he said, the right of inheritance belonged to Jeremiah.”
“Get up and possess the land because it is yours. When My Word came to Jeremiah he was told that he had the right of inheritance to the land. Oh, Glory be to God! Have you not read it in my Word that ‘All things are yours’? They are yours so rise up and possess it. The right of inheritance to the land of abundance is yours. Possess it. The right of inheritance to the land of promotion is yours. Possess it. The right of inheritance to the land of fulfillment is yours. Possess it. You may have the right of inheritance but if you do not rise up and possess it – it will not be yours.”
Jeremiah had the right of inheritance and he had to pay seventeen shekels of silver for it. Once you receive the Word of the Lord to POSSESS THE LAND you will find that provision has been made available to you. Our provision is guaranteed because Jesus already paid for every land we would ever need to possess. So, weigh out the silver you have – weigh out the gold you have and let us possess the land. So much impact destined for Freshdew, we have the right of inheritance to so much. So much to conquer by way of air waves – radio, television, Internet, let us possess the land that has been given to us.”
“You say, ‘How do I possess the land, how do I play my part to conquer the land that is ours…?’ Possess it when you sow all you have got into My Kingdom. Possess it when you step into opportunities that are purely divine because, humanly speaking, you have no business going to such places. Possess it when men have slammed the door in your face and you walk through the door boldly knowing that the land is yours to possess and nothing can stop you. No wonder Jeremiah cried out ‘Ah Lord God… nothing is too difficult for you…’”
“Jeremiah bought the land and kept the deed buried away and the Bible says it lasted many days. When you act on the prophetic Word and possess the land, it will last many days. No matter what those days look like – the land is already yours. Decisions you take today will affect your tomorrow. Again, I say, Decisions you take today will determine your tomorrow, many days from now. Whatsoever God does it shall be forever.”
“So just like Jeremiah took out his currency and weighed it in the scales so also, I urge you to weigh what you have in the scales of faith – you will find out that you have more than you think!”
“Did you notice that when Jeremiah weighed out the silver to possess the land he did it in the presence of witnesses? When you bring out your precious sacrifices to possess the land there is a cloud of witnesses, an innumerable company of angels that are watching. So, go ahead and possess the land and call those things which be not as though they are.”
“Possess the land and let us call what is ours in the spiritual realm into the physical realm – David is a witness. Moses is a witness. Abraham is a witness. Paul is a witness. Hannah is a witness. Gideon is a witness… You are not alone… there are witnesses and they are watching you and rejoicing with you as you possess the land! Hallelujah!!!”
“’Oh, but what about the state of the city?’ do I hear you ask. Not only was Jeremiah in prison but he was also in a city that was under siege. That meant the entire infrastructure had broken down around him. In times of war, electricity is not perfect; water is not perfect; roads are not perfect; systems have broken down, but in the midst of all that the Word of the Lord came to him. ‘Everything is working against my victory’ seems to be your song in the night. Well, the times have changed and it is no more night – day has broken and it is time to possess the land says the Spirit of God. Take your eyes off the state of the city and focus on the Word. The song is no more everything is working against my victory, but you have a new song and it is titled – ‘Everything works together for my good because God is on my side!’”
“Hallelujah! This is why you should possess the land, because when you do so, you prophesy about the glory that the Church is walking into. Sometimes when people look around them all they see is gloom and doom. Freshdew, it’s time to possess the land and begin to prophesy and preach on a different dimension. When you give and then you receive in thirty, sixty and a hundred-fold you are prophesying and preaching My Word!“
Leslie, Hallelujah! I believe you are as lifted up and excited and inspired as I am in reading these living words. We are ready, and the world is waiting to hear us prophesy out of the Circle of Partners and impact millions of lives for Christ.
Thank you for telling others about Freshdew. I would love to bless you with the audio recording of the Chapter Six (Psalms of Destiny) of my book: Dancing With Your Spirit. Click here to download it.
As usual, I encourage you to please continue to engage and explore our new website Follow us on Twitter and Facebook as we increase our social media presence to reach more people with the Word of God. Send in testimonies and even more testimonies!! If you haven’t logged in to the new site and registered your current details as a partner, please do so.
Love unfeigned,