A strange journey started in October 2014 for my younger sister Bukky and of course it was a journey that rubbed off on the entire family. My sister is born again and I knew I could relate to her on the basis of our covenant benefits in Christ.
She had noticed a lump on one of her breasts and initially ignored it, but soon the lump grew stronger and it became a concern for her. Few months to this time she had just gotten a managerial position with a South African company based in Lagos, so she was to operate from Lagos and didn’t have to relocate to South Africa. The company had good retainer-ship clinics, so she went for a medical checkup in one of them. The doctor said they would need to remove the lump. By 14th January 2015, the 1st operation was done and the lump was removed and the diagnosis done on the lump revealed that she had breast cancer.
It was a rude shock for her, and she wondered how she would break the news to the rest of the family. Her husband was of the opinion that it should be kept within them, but thank God she was sensitive to inform him of the importance of letting her immediate family know, so they can back her up spiritually. She finally broke the news to us after some weeks and we were all in shock for a while. After the lump was removed the doctor advised that she cut off the affected breast so it does not spread to the other breast or any other part of her body.
I insisted that we sought a second opinion prior to any other form of medication, but my sister and her husband had already given their consent, booked an appointment to have the breast cut off prior to our knowledge. I guess it was their “five senses” operating at that time. A mixed reaction to anger, pain and uncertainty tried to set in amongst us: her siblings, but I encouraged my mom to be there for her. I sent healing messages to her and sent words of encouragement each day. I was led to have the family wait on God for five days and at the end of each day, I would call in to join them in prayer as I was based in Port Harcourt and them in Lagos. We broke bread and made our healing declarations for indeed there is no distance in the spirit.
Praise God the second operation which held in February 2015 was also a success. I knew the enemy had no new tricks and needed to reassure the family that this was just another opportunity for the Healer to show Himself faithful. By the next appointment, the doctor said she was healing fine and asked for a pet-scan to confirm other areas are clear too. She went through the light and was told there were traces in her liver (mirage I said to myself).
At this time, I had to change plans with the program I was doing and arranged to travel to Lagos to be with her, teach her a new diet plan which a friend of mine was using for her challenge too and assist her with the home front while she was recovering. I spent some days with her before I came back to Port Harcourt then one of my younger sisters took over.
I had the opportunity of talking with Pastor Nkechi and she confirmed God’s Word. She said, “Your sister will recover, she will not die,” and that added to the peace I already had. To crown it all, the Easter Sunday of 2015, while Pastor Nkechi was preaching, she said Jesus was in the house giving brand new organs and specifically mentioned, “A brand new liver.” I immediately received it for my sister and thanked God for giving her this wonderful Easter gift. When we got home, I almost forgot, but I thank the Holy Spirit who reminded me that I had not delivered the parcel. I sent a message informing her of her Easter gift from God which she received with thanksgiving. She was able to work from home and kept breaking bread while staying on her changed diet.
One thing was sure, that the favour and grace of God were at work in her life. Her boss in the office was just God-sent. His show of concern was intense because he had lost two of his loved ones to this same faceless cancer. By July 2015, all approvals (with some by-passed processes) were in place by the company to have her travel to India for the full treatment. Though, we were skeptical because at this time each report said she was getting better, which was also later confirmed during the checkup in India. I asked her, “If God has already done 95%, what is 5% that He cannot complete?” She had her mind made up and said she saw the treatment as one of God’s avenue of completing His healing work. So as always, we stood by her with prayers, and now more of thanksgiving that the healing was already a done deal. She found favour in the hotel where she stayed and special meals were made for her. She sent pictures and we skyped each other, because of the good work Jehovah had already started, the treatment was just for three weeks, more like clearing, and she completed her treatment in Lagos.
The healing process was just miraculous, yes I say “was” because it is finished. On the 23rd February 2016, she went for her final checkup and was confirmed cleared! Cleared!! Cleared, from that faceless cancer. Praise the Lord. Indeed the Word works and nothing is impossible with God. It has been a faith project for the family and thank God our Captain never abandoned the ship, no, not even for a day. His financial provision is another testimony of its own.
She has her full nice low cut and recently took some pictures displaying as she put it, “A brand new me!”