Dear Partner,
Greetings in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
I must first apologise for the delay in this letter. It has been an interesting month actively adjusting the ministry and planning for Freshdew television in this season of the lockdown due to the pandemic. There has been a SHIFT and the SHIFT is here and now.
As a Freshdew partner we are walking hand in hand in this our Year of Maturity, Momentum and Manifestations. What an apt word it has turned out to be for the season in which we find ourselves. We must squeeze out everything from that prophetic word to the last drop! Hallelujah!
In February we looked at some signposts of spiritual maturity. Then in March we looked at momentum by taking a close look at zeal, a synonym of momentum.
This month let us look at a dangerous opposition to momentum. That opposition is called INERTIA. Inertia reigns in your comfort zone. Now that many of us “locked down” and idle this opposition to our momentum is an ever present reality.
Inertia has several definitions:
- a tendency to do nothing or to remain unchanged.
- a property of matter by which it continues in its existing state of rest or uniform motion in a straight line, unless that state is changed by an external force.
- So, inertia describes an object’s resistance to change in motion (or lack of motion), and momentum describes how much motion it has.
Inertia not only applies to the physical world, but also to spiritual life. Spiritual inertia is laziness or slothfulness.
15 Laziness casts one into a deep sleep,
And an idle person will suffer hunger.
Prov 19:15NKJV
18 Because of laziness the building decays,
And through idleness of hands the house leaks.
Eccl 10:18NKJV
laziness – atslah: A feminine noun referring to laziness, sluggishness. It is a state and attitude of doing nothing; it destroys persons (Prov 19:15); and their possessions (Eccl 10:18).
[The Complete Word Study Dictionary: Old Testament Copyright © 2003 by AMG Publishers. All rights reserved.]
laziness – the quality of being unwilling to work or use energy; idleness
lazy – characterized by lack of effort or activity: they were enjoying a really lazy holiday.
showing a lack of care: lazy writing.
(of a river) slow-moving: a lazy lowland river
(of a brand on livestock) placed on its side rather than upright.
A lazy person can never fully develop his potential or fulfil purpose.
I saw a perfect picture of spiritual inertia on the internet [credit: ]
”Instead of spending some time in the Word of God and communication with God, I came home and vegetated in front of the computer, scrolling through Facebook. and not really giving any heed to my spiritual walk. I had become an object at spiritual rest. This does not mean that I had fallen away from the faith, but merely that I was lazy about it. One of the things that plagues many Christians is spiritual laziness, and this keeps them in a deep sleep, spiritually.”
Does this sound like you during this lockdown? This is why inertia is so dangerous. It’s best not to let inertia set in, it’s bad to be in denial when it has.
We need to set goals and targets this period.
Begin to see it as a time of personal retreat and not as a lock down.
- Why not start a Bible book study and read a chapter a day?
- Why not go to the Freshdew TV YouTube channel and watch lots of services free.
- Why not read a book? What of an eBook? My eBooks are available on Okadabooks and Amazon Kindle now. Just search for “Nkechi Ene”.
- Why not pray in tongues for thirty minutes daily and build up yourself in your most holy faith like the Word says?
- Why not learn to cook a new meal?
- Attend a free webinar online?
- Begin an exercise regime so you don’t become sedentary (I am preaching to myself as well!).
- Do you know you can improve communication with your spouse and members of your family?
There is so much you can do and more!
Momentum means drive, incentive, zeal, raw passion, impetus. A kairos season comes with momentum and long standing visions are fulfilled in what seems like a short time.
This pandemic will not last forever. The lockdown will be lifted and you will step into a different existence. It can never be business as usual. Things may look the same but they will be different. There has been a SHIFT. This is the time to be ready and get yourself ready. Inertia will aim to distract you and stop you but you can resist it and you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you.
Partner, Thank you for your commitment to partnership during this pandemic with it’s resultant effect on the global economy. We operate another economic system. We sow in famine and we reap a hundredfold. Hallelujah! If you know people who are viewers on Freshdew, arise and encourage them to become partners and partake of the grace they already feed from as viewers. Give them an invitation into the Circle of Partnership and we will grow and get stronger in Jesus Name.
This month please enjoy my gift, Supernatural Profit, Part 3. Kindly click here to get the mp3 of that powerful message and you will be encouraged to move!!!
You can find current information about Freshdew on our website Please follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram at @FreshedwTV.
You can contact us at and at our phone lines. The phone line for calls from within Nigeria is 0700-FRESHDEW which is 0700 3737 4339. For calls from outside Nigeria the number would be: +234-700-FRESHDEW, which is +234 700 3737 4339 Our WhatsApp line is: 0809 111 1154. For calls from outside Nigeria, the number would be: +234 809 111 1154. These lines are open from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. daily, except on sundays when it is open from 2:00pm to 11:00pm daily.
Yours In His Service,
Love unfeigned,
Pastor Nkechi Ene (Mrs)